Homey massage ~ Adelaide Massage Therapists , Adelaide Hills Masseurs, Relaxation Massage Adelaide

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Homey massage

By Serena GelbPhilippine Daily InquirerLast updated 18:32:00 01/29/2008
MANILA, Philippines—Whenever I get stressed or overworked, I turn to massage. Massage is not only relaxing, it is beneficial to the health as well.
A massage increases blood flow through your body, improving circulation. That means it circulates fresh oxygen to your organs, including the brain!
It also improves muscle and skintone, and digestion. Therapeutic massage has been known to even improve self-esteem. You feel so good after a massage that you feel you can do anything.
But most people are concerned about the cost of a massage. In a luxury spa or a hotel, a massage costs P2,000 upward.
But my family has discovered a way to enjoy the relaxing benefits of massage without the prohibitive price. There are now several home-service massage outfits that send their staff directly to your home and pick them up later. They are literally just a phone call away. No need to fight traffic to go to your favorite spa.
The service is quite budget-friendly. At P250 per hour, the service may be offered to the whole family.
The massage outfits are on my speed dial, and whenever I have a tough day at school, I just dial their number and here they come!
I have found the staff to be very friendly, clean and cooperative. They work according to the client’s individual needs. For instance, when my feet are sore from running up and down the stairs in Phys Ed, I ask them for pure reflexology. When I need a rest, I lie on my stomach for a deep, relaxing back massage.
When “ordering” a massage at home, all you need is a chair to recline in or a bed.
In spas, however, they often have massage tables or chairs. Chair massages are more common in public spots, airports and malls.
They are convenient if you don’t have much time to spare, and the masseuse can concentrate on particular areas in the neck, shoulder and upper body regions where most people store their tension.
Massage tables are bulkier and heavier, with more spare parts such as the head rest, but they allow the “patient” to lie completely flat for an all-around massage experience.
At home, massage junkies that we are, we keep to portable massage tables folded in our closet ready to use any time.
The massage is now everywhere. I have come across airports around the world offering massage services to tired travelers.
At the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, chair massages are available; in Bali and Hong Kong, they offer foot reflexology.
The most curious massage offering at an airport I have come across with is the “water massage” machine at the San Francisco Airport.
Out of curiosity, I tried it. It was the strangest massage experience of my life. I lay inside a high-tech capsule, fully clothed and water-shielded by a plastic sac beat on my back. I could hear the roar of the surging water around me. I felt like a pair of jeans inside a washing machine.
A word about massage oils. Most therapists use oil to massage. I allow only natural oils that come from plants to touch my skin.
Why? The skin is the largest organ of the human body. I want my skin to absorb nourishing vitamins and minerals.
I always read the label of the oils I purchase to make sure they don’t have artificial scents, preservatives or colors. These ingredients may make the oil in the bottle prettier, more marketable and have a longer shelf life; but they are not healthful. They may cause allergic reactions.
There are many vegetable oils to choose from: almond oil, peanut oil, sesame seed oil, even the olive or corn oil in your kitchen.
My favorite oil is local coconut oil, which is affordable, nourishing and has no strong scent. I always choose cold-pressed oil—it is extracted using no heat to damage its natural nutrients.
It is also the most absorbable since heating makes oil thicker and more sticky. I never use mineral oil because it is a petroleum-derivative. Petrol is more suited to car engines.
How nice that the health benefits of massage in the safety and comfort of our own home is simply a phone call away!

Call Massage at Home at 7421829 and 843 7686; Dial A Massage at 7237157.

Posted by : Massage Therapy Adelaide - http://knead.net.au

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