Massage - Benefits, Therapy and Types ~ Adelaide Massage Therapists , Adelaide Hills Masseurs, Relaxation Massage Adelaide

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Massage - Benefits, Therapy and Types

Pradeep Chauhan
February 05, 2008
Massage: The application of soft-tissue manipulation techniques to the body, generally intended to reduce stress and fatigue while improving circulation. The many variations of massage account for several different techniques. Massage is a healing art practiced in all cultures and regions of the world. It is the systematic placing of the hands on a body and applying techniques to treat the body and the person to relieve ailments and stress.Massage TherapyThe holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body; i.e. the muscular, skeletal, digestive, elimination, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems.It is the manipulation the soft tissue of the body with the hands for therapeutic, healing, relaxing and pleasurable effects.It is caring expressed through the hands supporting, stroking, rubbing, kneading and pressing. Massage TypesRelaxation Massage: A smooth, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, improves circulation and range of movement, and relieves muscular tension.Remedial Massage: A paramedical treatment that helps to restore function to injured "soft tissues" (muscles, tendons and ligaments. In addition, you may be asked perform some activities at home to assist the process of recovery.Sports Massage: Combines different Massage techniques to enhance sports performance and recuperation. An effective component of any training program. Hot Stone Massage: Another variation of Swedish massage is the hot stone massage. The massage therapist holds smooth heated stones and uses Swedish massage strokes. The stones may be placed at specific points on the back, in the palms of the hand, or between the toes. The heat warms the muscles. Causes
Both the causes and the prevention of Plantar Fascistic reside in the way we use and abuse our feet. We must appreciate that our feet take all our weight as they provide us mobility. Each foot is made up of 38 bones that are connected to each other by joints, ligaments, bones, tendons and tissue. When we walk or run, the ankle manages the activity and distributes the weight via the heel. At each step, some weight goes back up the heel but the major portion is absorbed by the Plantar Fascistic ligament at the bottom of our feet. Ligaments are defined as tissues that join bones together. All movements of the foot require manipulation of this one flat ligament called Plantar Fascia that goes under our feet connecting our toes to the heels. The causes of headaches and tension in the scalp are due to tightness of the muscle that surrounds the skull. Tension or muscular headaches occur when you strain the muscles of your head and neck, often without even realizing you have done it. Migraines consist of throbbing in your head, especially on one side behind your eyes. They occur when the blood vessels in the scalp expand, and they may be triggered by certain factors like stress or being in the bright sunlight. Massage Benefits: Massage calms the nervous system and promotes a sense of relaxation and well being.Massage reduces tension and anxiety. Massage improves blood circulation. Massage stimulates the lymphatic system. Strengthens the immune system Treats musculoskeletal problems


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